The following was originally published on Next Level: The ATA Business Practices Blog. 这一倡议是由ATA的商业实践教育委员会发起的,为自由职业者和公司老板提供了在他们职业生涯的各个方面使用的信息, 从改善隐私保护到退休计划.
From the Next Level team: 你还记得你在语言行业最初几年的经历吗? Was it smooth sailing, 或者你有时希望有人能给你建议,给你指明新的方向? 如果你曾经想要或者有人帮你找到立足点, consider doing the same for someone else.
ATA的辅导计划建立了一种点对点的关系,在这种关系中,一位经验丰富的语言专业人士为另一位在业务的特定领域寻求帮助的人提供咨询和支持. This relationship doesn’t include tutoring in translation skills; it’s strictly for discussing business topics. Those topics can include finding agency work, finding and keeping direct clients, marketing through a website or social media, transitioning from an employed position to a freelance career, using a newly gained certification to land more work, or any other non-linguistic area a mentee wishes to focus on.
Both mentees and mentors benefit from the pairing. 学员们会得到宝贵的商业建议,否则他们会为此付出不菲的代价. 他们也从T的密切接触中获得理解和支持&我的世界. 自愿担任导师的专业人士并不能保证每年都能找到合适的导师, 但那些匹配的导师可以获得继续教育(CE)分数,以获得ATA的重新永利登录网址. They also gain other benefits, Deborah Wexler在一篇最初发表于 注意力高度集中, newsletter of ATA’s Audiovisual Division.
To learn more about serving as a mentor, visit ATA’s 指导 Program page 然后看着 ATA 指导 Experience video 展示经验丰富的导师讲述这个项目给导师和学员带来了什么.
During ATA’s 59th 年度会议 in New Orleans in 2018, a colleague asked me, “是什么动机驱使一群翻译人员在ATA内部创建一个视听部门?”
I sat for a minute, pondering. “Many different factors motivated each of us,” I said.
I replied without hesitation, “永利登录网址希望帮助下一代视听翻译获得成功.”
我认为实现这一目标最有效的工具是通过指导. 在下面, I want to briefly explore the meaning of the term “mentor,” as well as the benefits and responsibilities of being one.
在史诗中 《永利最新网址》, 由荷马, 门托是奥德修斯的一位朋友,他留在伊萨卡岛照顾奥德修斯的儿子, 忒勒马科斯. 雅典娜乔装成导师出现在忒勒马科斯面前,充当他的顾问. 这个普通名词的意思是“明智的顾问”,最早出现在1750年的英语中, going back through Latin to the Greek character name.1
The benefits for mentees are evident. 指导 empowers them with essential information, 反馈, 和支持, and helps them build confidence and grow, both personally and professionally.
But are there any benefits for the mentor? 是的. There are benefits beyond “it looks really good on your résumé.” It improves your leadership and communication skills. You gain a renewed sense of pride in your profession. You get to share your experiences with a kindred spirit, somebody hungry to hear them, which is very satisfying. Most gratifying of all is helping a colleague succeed.
指导 will also teach you a few things. When your mentee says, “We do that differently now,” and shows you a more efficient route to doing the same task, 你会惊讶的. When you’re explaining things to a novice, 它会让你停下脚步,审视自己做事的方式和原因,帮助你用新鲜的眼光看待一切,重新激发兴趣. You’ll learn while you teach!
受训者有责任接受建设性的批评, to learn and do homework, to be willing to correct course, 等.—the mentor has greater responsibilities. Our mentee will adopt our way of doing things, both the good and the bad, 因此,永利登录网址在教学时必须小心谨慎,永远不要忽视道德和价值观. 永利登录网址必须为自己设定更高的标准,因为永利登录网址将以身作则. We must remember that our mentee looks up to us, 永利登录网址的意见和建议会比平时更有分量.2
对我来说,作为一名导师,我的任务不是带任何人上山. It’s not even to hold their hand during the climb. 对我来说, 它让他们为攀登做准备:让他们知道他们需要什么样的装备, what kind of terrain lies ahead, if they will encounter inclement weather, what type of obstacles will be waiting for them, and teaching them how to sort them.
但你会说,在工作、家庭和日常生活的压力下,现在谁还有时间呢? 永利登录网址都是. 永利登录网址都必须这么做. 在大多数情况下, 这个承诺每个月只需要导师花几个小时, but it will have a great impact on the mentee’s life. All of us could spare that kind of time to give back, right?
That’s why mentoring programs are so important. Nevertheless, the need for mentors is great. And the new generation needs you.
是的, you, the language professional who is reading this. It so happens that ATA has a mentoring program! You can look at the guidelines on ATA’s website 然后看着 free webinar.
ATA 指导 ProgramNo matter where you are in your career, 来自有工作经验的专业人士的建议和鼓励是无价的. But finding the right mentor is not always easy. ATA的师徒计划为数量有限的学员和导师提供独特的一对一配对服务. 根据学员定义的业务目标进行匹配, 但合作双方都能从合作和知识共享中获益. 有兴趣参加的会员必须在3月31日前提交申请. The program runs from May 1 through October 31. 看 ATA 指导 Experience video 或浏览 指导 Program page on ATA’s website to learn more! |
Additional References
德博拉·韦克斯勒,康涅狄格州 is an ATA-certified English>Spanish translator and editor with more than 20 years of experience specializing in audiovisual translation and Spanish orthography. She has translated and reviewed over 6,000 program hours for television, VHS, DVD, 蓝光, 流媒体, 还有大屏幕. 她经常在国际会议上发表演讲,也是一位教育工作者,指导和培训了许多想要进入视听领域的翻译人员. 她是Pixelogic Media的美洲本地化总监,也是ATA视听部门的联合创始人和管理者.
“商业实践”将与“创业语言学家”交替出现.本专栏无意构成法律、金融或其他商业建议. 每个个人或公司应自行作出独立的商业决定,并咨询自己的法律, 金融, or other advisors as appropriate. 这里所表达的观点不一定代表美国航空运输协会或其董事会的观点.